Choosing the best layer chickens for your backyard flock is key to enjoying a consistent supply of fresh eggs. Layer chickens are breeds specifically selected for their ability to produce a high volume of eggs efficiently. When selecting layer breeds, it’s important to consider factors such as egg production rate, temperament, adaptability to different climates, and overall hardiness. Let’s explore some top recommendations for the best layer chickens that are ideal for backyard egg production.

Rhode Island Red chicken

1. Rhode Island Red chicken

Rhode Island Reds are one of the most popular and reliable layer breeds known for their consistent egg production and hardiness. These chickens are dual-purpose, meaning they can also be raised for meat, but they excel in egg production. Rhode Island Reds lay large brown eggs and are known for their calm and friendly disposition. They are well-suited to various climates and are relatively low-maintenance, making them an excellent choice for beginner chicken keepers.

2. White Leghorn chicken

White Leghorn chicken

Leghorns are renowned for their exceptional egg-laying abilities, making them a top choice for commercial egg production. These chickens are prolific layers of large white eggs and are highly efficient converters of feed into eggs. Leghorns are active, alert, and can be somewhat independent, making them suitable for free-range setups. They thrive in warmer climates and are well-adapted to foraging.

Australorp chicken

3. Australorp chicken

Australorps are another excellent choice for backyard egg production, known for their gentle temperament and consistent egg-laying capabilities. These chickens lay large brown eggs and are highly productive throughout the year. Australorps are also dual-purpose birds with good meat quality. They are well-suited to various climates and are relatively easy to care for, making them popular among small-scale poultry keepers.

4. Sussex

Speckled Sussex chicken

Sussex chickens are prized for their dual-purpose qualities, excelling in both egg production and meat production. They lay large cream-colored eggs and are known for their friendly and calm demeanor. Sussex chickens are cold-hardy and do well in free-range environments where they can forage for food. They are reliable layers and continue to produce eggs consistently, especially in favorable conditions.

Plymouth Rock chicken

5. Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rocks, particularly the Barred variety, are popular for backyard flocks due to their excellent egg-laying abilities and docile nature. These chickens lay large brown eggs and are known for their hardiness and adaptability to different climates. Plymouth Rocks are dual-purpose birds that also make great pets due to their friendly personality. They are relatively low-maintenance and continue to lay eggs consistently over time.

Key Considerations for Choosing Layer Chickens

When selecting layer chickens for your backyard flock, consider the following factors:

  • Egg Production Rate: Choose breeds known for high egg production, especially if you want a steady supply of eggs.
  • Temperament: Opt for breeds with a calm and friendly disposition, especially if you have children or other pets.
  • Climate Adaptability: Select breeds that are well-suited to the climate in your area to ensure their health and comfort.
  • Space Requirements: Consider the space you have available for your flock and choose breeds that are suitable for your setup.
  • Purpose: Determine whether you want chickens primarily for egg production, meat production, or both.


Choosing the best-layer chickens for your backyard flock is an exciting decision that can lead to a rewarding experience of fresh eggs and enjoyable companionship. Each of the recommended layer breeds offers unique qualities and benefits suited to different preferences and environments. Before making a decision, consider your specific needs, climate, and space limitations to find the best-layer chickens that will thrive in your care. With the right-layer chickens, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying delicious farm-fresh eggs and the joys of backyard poultry keeping. Happy chicken choosing!